Sunday 17 April 2011

Writing Assignment #7: Anna

What parts of SH5 would you change and why?

If I were to change any part of SH5, it would be the very beginning, as in the first chapter. I understand that the first chapter is there to help the reader understand why Vonnegut is writing this, supposedly, but in the grand scheme of the book, it really doesn't do much. All it seems to do is inform us (the readers) that Vonnegut was once a reporter, that he didn't want to write a book that glorified war and to add to a plot that appeared to have trouble taking off any other way.

I would also change the beginning because, similar to the ending of SH5, it gives the impression that Vonnegut was either bored, or just didn't try very hard to write it. It seemed more like an essay written by a student the night before its due date: sloppy and uninteresting.

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