Friday 15 April 2011

Slaughterhouse Five Movie/Play - Individual Post #3

This book would absolutely not work as a play. It would be impossible to do the time travelling live. Billy would walk through a door, and come out a completely different place on the other side. Not only would he have to have different makeup so he looked a different age, the stage would have to change scenery, and Billy would have to do a costume change, since I hope he hasn't worn the same outfit during his entire life.
A movie on the other hand would work. How good it would be though, is up in the air. Too many times have I seen movies based off of books, that completely get rid of the voice of the author, and is changed to the voice of the director. While I do believe that the director should put their own spin on it, I think the authors original voice should still be noticeable in the adaptation. So what I'm saying is, it would take a director who gets Vonnegut, and a director that would reinvent the book, but keep Vonnegut's voice in it. If the movie was directed well, had good acting, and believable special effects, then I think Slaughterhouse Five could be turned into an amazing movie.

By: Rachel Cutler

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