Friday 15 April 2011

Structured That Way - Individual Post #5

Just a quick thought, the Tralfamadorians claim that moments happen because they are "structured that way", but the Tralfamadorians and Billy know what is going to happen in the future... So if they changed what happened in a moment, like for example stop the person who presses the button, wouldn't the moment now be structured a new way? What I'm saying is, I think it's impossible to have a moment that's "structured that way" when you know what's going to happen in the future, because you'll know how to change it. Like Billy is able to keep himself from being killed, he just chooses not to... so it's not really "structured that way", Billy just chooses to go along with fate. Does that even make sense? Sorry if I confused anyone, it doesn't even make that much sense in my own head...

Another quick thought, how would if feel to be the Tralfamadorian who pressed the button that ended the universe... but you knew you were going to do it your entire life? That would be harsh.

By: Rachel Cutler

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