Tuesday 12 April 2011

My Book

If I were to write a book, I would probably base the characters off of people that I know. It would be interesting to place familiar people in an unfamiliar setting, but also it would be easier to write. They would be much more 3 dimensional than any characters that I could probably come up with, and if I were ever thinking "what would this character do at this point" I could just look at the personality of the person I'm basing the character off of, and think of what they would do. As for the genre/plot... I don't really know what I would use as a plot. I've never really thought of writing a book before. I have had a couple of ideas for books, just things people have said and then thinking "hey that would make a great book", but sadly, most of them have been taken already... It's hard to be creative nowadays with all the original thoughts that have already been had. I guess the only idea I can think of that I've had for a book before is a kind of backwards superhero thing. Basically everyone has abilities (like say all of Superman's powers) and then there's one person who doesn't have any abilities. So I guess the genre would be fiction. As for the plot, it would just follow along the person's life who doesn't have abilities.... Doesn't sound that interesting right now, I might add on to the plot part later if I think of anything.

By: Rachel Cutler

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