Friday 25 March 2011

Writing Assignment #3: Anna

To express yourself or to not express yourself, now THAT is the question!

Our society has fought for rights for as long as we've been colonizing. Now, we have rights for almost everyone, except for modern cases (homosexuals). During the time that Vonnegut wrote Slaughterhouse Five, it was banned because of it's sexual content and vulgar language. As a teenager growing up in the 21st century, having read a book like Slaughterhouse Five, with its cuss words and fornication, it really wasn't much of a shock to read. We as a generation are constantly surrounded by this material, even in school.

I think that Vonnegut should not have been censored for his writing because everyone has a right to express themselves, even if that's with words that aren't as pleasant as others. If we are constantly sheltering people from every little thing that might offend us of upset up, how can we as a civilization ever move forward? How can we show acceptance for things if they are hidden from us and we are unable to understand them?

I think that every person should have a right to make information available and every person should have a right to learn about new things, even if they are unpleasant.

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